South Cairo and Giza flour Mills & Bakeries Company is one of the subsidiary companies to The Holding Company of food industries under Ministry of Investment.
It was founded by the presidential decree No 2472 / 1965 as an Egyptian Joint stock company under the name of south Cairo and Giza flour Mills and Bakeries company.
- According to the presidential decree No 495 / 1983 the company became a subsidiary to the public sector authority for mills, cells, and bakeries according to rulings of law No 97/1983.
- According to public business sector law, No203/ 1991 it became a subsidiary to The Holding Company of Mills, Cells and Bakeries.
Based upon, prime minister's decree No 217/1993 to merge some Holding Companies, the company became a subsidiary to the Holding Company of Rice and Flour Mills (previously named Holding Company for Rice Mills and Marketing).
- According to prime minister's decree No 4313/ 1999 concerning merging the Holding company of Rice Mills and Flour Mills into Holding Company of Food Industries, the company became subsidiary to The Holding Company of Food Industries .The Ministry of Supply, under Presidential Decree No. 153 for the year 2014

Thebeginningofthefinancialyear              :1 / 7
Nameauditor                                                 :  C A O
Date of registrationinthestockexchange : 6/5/1996
EquityRatio                                                    :39 %

Main information about the company:-

Head quarters 366 king Faisal St. Talbia /Cairo
Legal position  Egyptian joint stock company under law (203/1991 ) 

Activity type


Number ofversions


Nominal value of

Manufacturing , trading ,importing , storing, fumigation, maintaining, packing, transporting and distributing of grains, their products and alternatives



5 L E

Issued capital

L E 30 millions 
Paid capital L E 30 millions
Authorized capital L E 75 millions

Board Of Directors:

The General Commissioner


Professor / Tohamy Ahmed Hussein
BA / Military Science

Assistant Commissioner of finance and trade


Accountant /Mohamed Abdel Latif Hassan

Bachelor of Commerce

Assistant Commissioner techical


Engineer /Ahmed Mohammed Ashmawy Fiki

Bachelor of Agriculture

Company's capital structure

Statement The number of shares The percentage of contribution%
First: the public funds    
 Holding Company for Food Industries 3060000 51%
Second: the shareholder workers union 600000 10%
Third, other shareholders 2340000 39%
Total 6000000 100%




Head ofAccounts and auditandbudget

shr Mohamed said

Headofcosts andthebudgetsectorand investment


Director Almtsttmaren relations

Salah Eldin Amir khalifa


Director General of computers and information systems


35846229-01005652466- 01120144557


366King FaisalPyramid– Giza

Mailing Address